Have a blessed Christmas!
Let the spirit of Christmas warm your home with love, joy and peace. Have a blessed Christmas!
Στην κατηγορία: Ευχές Ευχές για τα Χριστούγεννα Ευχές Χριστουγέννων στα Αγγλικά
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May your Christmas sparkle and your holiday overflow with gifts and love. Merry Christmas!
May your Christmas sparkle….
Christmas can be many things or it may be a few, but all I wish on this holiday is the best for you. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Christmas can be many things or it may be a few…
Count your blessings, sing your Christmas carols, open your gifts, and make a wish under the Christmas tree. May you have a Merry Christmas!
May you have a Merry Christmas!
The bells are ringing everywhere, and Santa’s on his way, there’s peace blanketing the snow-covered land, on this special Christmas day!
The bells are ringing everywhere…
In this loveliest and happiest of seasons, may you find many reasons to celebrate. Have a wonderful Christmas!
In this loveliest and happiest of seasons…
May your Christmas be decorated with cheer and filled with love. Have a wonderful holiday!